Wednesday 21 December 2011

And another..........

Hehehe.. macam sequel lah pulak.  One story followed by another of the same subject.

Anyways, last night my Cik Pelat yang no-longer-so-pelat said, "Nak golila, nak golila...".  What would you have guessed if she told you that?  Macam nak GORILLA je kan?

So I told her, "Gorilla? Scary lah gorilla tu, nanti dia gigit. Where can I get a gorilla for you? Dalam book nak tak?  Sha tak takut gorilla?"

She replied, "Bukan la mummy nihhhhhhh...."

"Then Sha nak apa?"

"Sha nak golila.... 3 bears... mamam porridge"

Then I went, "Ooooooooooooooohhhhh!!!!"

Guess what she meant??  It's actually GOLDILOCKS (And The Three Bears).  Oh well....... :D .. So I began to tell her the story.

That was one of those incidences lah.  At one time she told me she wanted OPIN.  And I thought it was UPIN IPIN.  And I wondered, why on earth does she want UPIN IPIN?  She doesn't even have any toys associated with those cute little botak boys.

Rupa-rupanya, she meant AEROPLANE!  I posted that Upin/Aeroplane story on my Facebook before and many friends asked me to keep a book specially to record all those words that she had "invented" and their meanings just for my remembrance.

Tak terbuat pun buku tu.  Simpan stories dalam blog ni je jadi lah kan for my own future reading ....... ;)

Tuesday 20 December 2011

My New Year Baby's Rambling

In less than 2 weeks, my no.4 will turn 3 years old.  She's my very own New Year Baby. Yes, she was born on 1 January 2009, at 11.20am.

How time flies (that also indicates that I'll turn to the big Four-O in no time! Sob!!!)

No.4 has begun to learn to speak properly now, as in building a proper sentence in her speech though at times she still tends to pronounce some words gibberishly like how she used to.  But never mind, her mummy ni still melayan dia cakap pelat because I find it really cute to speak to her that way, although our grandmas used to forbid us each time we cakap pelat with our children in order to prevent them from being forever pelat.  But I guess it's just a myth lah, because eventually they'll have the ability to speak properly on their own anyway, as they naturally register what we say to other adults when they listen to how we speak everyday.  And besides, obviously we use proper language when we read them storybooks, or count with them, or things like that.  So I guess occassionally melayan dia cakap pelat is no harm.  Cute apa! ;)

So, amongst other words that she still pronounces pelat is, TIPU (which she says CHIPU) - she'll say that when she doesn't believe what we tell her, as in "kalau Sha taknak eat veggie, batu belah tangkap Sha".  And she would reply, "mummy CHIIIIIIIIIPUUUUU!".. Hahaha! I pun gelak besar bila dengar dia cakap macam tu.  How laa not to cakap pelat with her? Syok melayan!  Chipu pun chipu lah, I don't intend to correct her asalkan ada bunyi sudah.. haha!  Oh by the way, she still pronounces BATU BELAH as LALAH till now as like I said, I never bother to correct her :)

Another word is, BISMILLAH (to which she says BILAH BILAH).  Now this one occured last night when she wanted her third bottle of 'nenen' before she slept.  I normally let her have her night bottle feed once after dinner, then the last bottle should be about 30 minutes before I put her to sleep.  By then she would've been ready for a diaper change before bed time.  But more often, she would ask for another bottle when she's lying around in bed being smothered BY ME trying to make her tired before letting her dose off.  So that would make 3 bottles of milk altogether - within merely 2-3 hours!  Mana boleh jadi!  And besides, she has been cleaned and changed! So rightfully, no more feeding for her.

One of the reasons why I don't let her drink too much before she sleeps is that, I wouldn't want her diaper to get overly soiled by the morning.  Mummy pemalas nak bangun malam-malam to change her, okay!  So with just 2 bottles of milk doesn't make her pee too much during the night.

Okay so back to last night's story - as I laid in bed with her putting her to sleep, i said prayers with her: baca Al-Fatihah, 3 Qul, selawat, mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah.  So she followed what I recited - although of course pelat lah.

Then she still wanted to play around by tickling me when I was barely awake!  It was already 10.15pm then.  Mummy memang dah tak larat, mengantuk nak pengsan! Then she started to ask for her MILK!  "Mummy, Sha nak nenen....." Ohhh NO!

So I told her, "dah baca BISMILLAH tak boleh nenen lagi, kena sleep."  (Tactic seorang ibu yang pemalas - please DO NOT do this at home, dear mommies!! :D)

Then she said, "ooooooo okay!"

Then si mummy ni pulak, sebab dah kena kacau kena geletek-geletek, dah jadi susah nak lelapkan mata! (But still malas to buat nenen walaupun mata dah celik). So apa lagi..... I gomol-gomol and kissed and gigit-gigit her, and guess what she said....

"Mummy, dah BILAH BILAH tak boleh kiss Sha.  Jom sleep...".  Obviously what she was trying to say was 'dah baca BISMILLAH tak boleh kiss Sha'.

Hmmmm.... Mummy pulak dah kena tegur sebijik! Dang!

So mummy as usual gelak besar tak hengat and geram la dengan budak lauyar buruk tu!  Mummy didn't care at all and just continued to gomol her till she was extremely exhausted and evetually Zzzzzzzzzzz!

So, remember ya, my lovely kawan-kawan...... nak sleep kena baca BILAH BILAH dulu okay!!!  May Allah bless us all. Amin...

Hehehe..... *sweet dreams little one, mummy loves you mucho*! xx

Ni lah muka skema budak yang tak dapat nenen (actually this is an old pix, but she IS like this all the time.. very playful like all other children, I'm sure.  But lauyar buruk, I'm not sure of it in other children hehehe..... *see next few pix*)

.... Another 'konon-konon masam/merajuk' look

Tadaaaaaaa... dia acah aje, not sulking after all!!!

Tu dia... Siap posing lagik! :))

Tuesday 22 November 2011

No excuse to look dull at 39!

Don't know how others feel, but to me, one rule for the chic - a working woman (repeat after me) always wears makeup in the office.  I know, I know…Some of you may hate makeup coz it takes so much of your time to put it on in the morning and leceh to re-apply after solat, etc, kan?  But if you have the glowing, flawless, blemish free skin of a newborn babe, then perhaps you can get away with wearing no makeup (and if you are so blessed, please, please, please share your invaluable beauty secrets here with us readers, the less fortunate beings that we are).  Most of us, however, are realistically (whether we want to face it or not) just not blessed with the ageless appearance of a goddess, so we must do a little extra to get that polished look that’s simple, quick and office-ready.   Especially at this age, no make up at all makes you look quite pale and not so presentable, yes?  Also, keep in mind:  even if you are enjoying refreshment from a seemingly eternal fountain of youth, younger looking women often look intern-young when they go bare-faced to the office but still.... makeup can add sophistication to your look :)

Many women suffer from serious fatigue because we juggle so much – we’re not only working professionals/non-professionals, but we take on countless other roles at home apart from the office.  Nevertheless, to remain successful in our careers, we have to have enough energy to drag our bumbums out of our beds and to our desks each morning..... *arrrggghh!* 

While many of you definitely have legitimate reasons for being utterly exhausted (we know we do), appearances still matter in the workplace.  You do not want to bump into your boss first thing in the morning, looking like you just got hit by a freakin’ truck, rather, you want to look excited to be arriving at the office (even if you’re not) and ready to take on the next high-profile assignment (EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT), because your mood determines your spirit at work and hence better performance, yes? No? Thank goodness, makeup can help you in the looking-excited-and-ready-to-work department even on days when your mind has checked out and your body is longing to golek-golek in bed.

Now, ladies, don’t get me wrong.  I am by no means telling you to cake layer upon layer of brightly hued makeup onto your faces, showing up at work looking like a clown.  In my opinion... MINE only ehh, other's are welcome here anytime, the best office look is a natural look (however, Forbes Woman says bold makeup can be office-appropriate if you know how to work it.  But I just don’t trust myself with the bold look for the office hehehe... silap-silap jadi rupa Hantu Kak Limah!).

If you’re not sure how to achieve the best natural look for you, get to your nearest department store where you can seek consultation at your preferred makeup counter.  But heyyy! My makeup artist friend (well, Aeen... you know I mean YOU!) is able to give you consultation (free ke tak??) should you need makeup tips.  Hmmm Aeen should 'reward' me for posting this....... *thinking* ...

So once you’ve got the right makeup in your bag, please try to find time in your hectic day to touch up.  Smudged eyeliner, smeared lipstick and greasy skin do NOT convey energy and enthusiasm, my dear friends.

I am actually interested in knowing your daily makeup essentials.  My must-haves are:

(1) a good concealer to hide those flaws; 

(2) a compact blotting powder to cover those shine; 

(3) a tinted lipgloss (preferably, as I don't quite favour wearing lipsticks), but a soft coloured lipstick does fine, which complements your look and your skin tone without looking goth, vampish, or punk-rockish; 

(4) a warm toned eye shadow to accentuate the eyes and make it look fresh a lil bit after staring at the computer for hours; 

(5) eye liner to keep the eyes looking wide awake (even if they're not) - although I seldom use an eye liner as I prefer a bare-eyed look during most of the day - but at night events yes.. I do put on some eyeliner; 

(6) mascara to give the eyelashes a lift and eyes a pop - this one is a MUST for me... never leave home without it; and 

(7) blusher, or bronzer.

There.  I don't think applying those takes you forever, does it?  5 minit je tu, all for the sake of looking glowingly fresh.  And to top them all up, spray generously your favourite perfume to give yourself a boost, especially on those Mondays hehehe!  But I'm wondering if those stuff make your makeup bag bulge.  Well, bottomline is... get a bigger handbag lah macam ni.  Haha! ;)

So let's try and be a girl again, and start dolling up ourselves (jangan lebih-lebih nanti jadi Kak Limah!) for a fresh start of the day to the office.  But not forgetting, kat rumah pun janganlah selebet ya, my lovely friends ;)

 And, last but not least, thanks to my dear friend Aeen for inspiring me to write this entry about office makeup! xoxo

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Hantu Kak Limah Joget

Have you watched the movie Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah??  The title does sound rediculous kan, but everyone I know who had watched it could vouch that it IS a hilarious movie.  

So I watched it at the cinema.  Lagi lah terasa dia punya gila kelakar, ketawa je keje sampai senak perut & mata berair!  My kids watched it at home with their cousins.  And of course I watched it (again) with them.  I could watch it over and over again and never get tired of the humour.  Because it is slapstick humour, tu lah best!  Kalau 100% ikut script would have been a bore.

Ok, so my no. 4 takut sangat-sangat dengan Hantu Kak Limah tu.  So I would simply scare her with Hantu Kak Limah when she doesn't want to sleep, tie her hair, eat her veggies, etc.  She has off-the-shoulder-lengthed hair.  Memang messy kalau tak ikat.. dengan berpeluh-peluhnya, rimas tengok!  So I would tell her that she is anak Hantu Kak Limah if she doesn't want to tie her hair.   You do know how Hantu Kak Limah's hair looks like, right?  So my no. 4 used to get really scared and immediately run to me and ask me to tie her hair.

Like all my other children, my no. 4 is chatty.  So now that she's able to speak quite well, better than the gibberish speech that she used to have, she has become lauyar buruk with me when I tell her to do or not to do something.  So recently when I told her my usual "modal" that she is anak Hantu Kak Limah if tak nak ikat rambut, she replied to me, "Sha anak mummy, Sha anak Bibik".  I burst out laughing :D ... lauyar buruknya anak I ni!  Well, pretty much as lauyar buruk as the rest of my anak-anak pun!!  What's new?! :D

To cut the story short, last night was raining heavily with lightning and thunder.  So my lil girl got so scared that she and her older brother (my no. 3) had asked all of us to keep quiet.   My no. 3 pun penakut!!  We could only whisper when we needed to talk - BOSSES' orders!

So at one point, there was lightning and a very loud thunder.  I recited "A'uzubillahi minashaitanir rajim".  Then I sang the song "Pumped Up Kicks" which was on TV (my kids' favourite song thus far).   And my precious lil no. 4 spontaneously whispered to me "mummy, jangan nyanyi".  I asked, "kenapa?".  Mummy ni pun satu ekkk, kilat-kilat barat macam tu menyanyi pulak.  What a BAD example to the children.... Cettt! Shame on you, Mummy! :P

And to that question, she replied very, very softly dengan mulut dia yg muncung basah dengan air liur tu, "NANTI HANTU KAK LIMAH JOGET....Sssshhhhh!!" :D :D

I pun apa lagik....... pecah perut!  Ada ke Kak Limah joget dengar lagu Mummy nyanyi masa tengah-tengah guruh/kilat???  Of all her ideas!

Oh by the way, this picture of Hantu Kak Limah is on my iPad, which sometimes I make as the wallpaper.  The purpose --- to scare off my little girl each time she kacau me when I'm using the iPad.  Heeeee!  Cool innit? :P

Friday 11 November 2011

1 month old

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.  Hey there dears.  It's been awhile since my last entry.  Idea dah kurang sebab blog ni dah past 1 month old. Hihihi. Takda DRAMA... ada drama, ada la updates :)

Happy 1st Month Birthday, dear Blog! Actually she turned 1 month last week on 4 November.  So it's 1 month 7 days old to be precise :)

Till my next entry.  Have a great weekend you all! xoxo

Friday 28 October 2011

Someone Like You

Someone Like You - Adele
(my current favourite)

I heard that you settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,"

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead." 

Best kan lagu tu?  The lyrics memang menusuk MY kalbu... mine only lah, dunno about yours hihi.  I just love Adele.  Her soulful voice, the flawless complexion and that pretty face just fill me with awe.  Needless to say, her music too.  But this one is particularly my current favourite.  Never mind her public image, to be precise - her size - as what she was quoted saying, she makes music for the ears, not the eyes.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

My love for fish (not to rear them, but EAT them.. hihi)

I absolutely have an ultimate love for FISH.

If you let me eat fish day and night, and repeat over and over, I would be ever so happy to oblige and indulge!

Just had 2 pieces of ikan bakar for lunch today, Ms. Bayang (Ms. B for short) took me there - she wants to remain annonymous :P ... A big thank you, Ms. B... luv ya for knowing me luv fish!! Heheh! xoxoxo

I should've taken piccies of them fish, but lupa lah.. dah lapaq and tak sabaq nak indulge!  Commonly, most people eat ikan bakar with cicah air asam or cili or kicap cili, etc.  But me...... takyah cicah pun I bedal.  It tastes a lot better when eaten alone... to me lah.  Some people eat fried chicken and pizzas with chilli/tomato sauce, but I eat them on its own because I love the originality of the taste, even in veggies - I prefer them raw.  And with fish, takkan pulak nak makan raw kan, unless it is properly prepared Sushi.  But regardless of what fish I am served, licin I sapu - marinated or plain.  If it is fresh from the sea lagi lah sedap if bakar plain macam tu je kan with just a sprinkle of salt.

Catwoman I see! Huh!! Cuma tak hot macam Catwoman jerrrrr.. heheheh! Meow...

Hokkayyy, wishing Happy Deepavali to those of you who celebrate, and happy hols to those who already have plans to go jalan-jalan, and those who just simply want to enjoy some peace and quiet at home tomorrow - like me.  Errr, for a moment just now I thought tomorrow was Hari Raya Haji holiday, and had actually wished Ms. B "Selamat Hari Raya" - blatantly.. LOL! Silly me ekk.... kakakakaka! Malu, malu......

Thursday 20 October 2011

Note to self

I've been procrastinating on this one since the recent Hari Raya Aidilfitri - to go jogging :)

Not that I've been completely 'shut down' from working out, as sometimes (if not most of the time hehe) I would take the stairs up to my office.  Kira workout la tu kannnn daripada takda langsung hikhikhik!  Anyways, my office is situated at the 5th floor, so 5 floors altogether is by right equivalent to 5 staircases.  But each floor has 2 staircases, meaning to say I have to climb up to 10 staircases each time... phewwwww! But don't ask me how many stairs there are in each case.... malas nak kira. But lenguh baybeee!  Nonetheless, it should be all worth while kan? InshaAllah.  Errrrr.. but...... I don't do that everyday hehe oops.  Only on every or 2 other days.... KALAU rajin. Hmmm.. 

So now I'm telling myself, or rather reminding/forcing myself to go jogging this weekend.  Must, must, must!  Jogging/brisk walking and going up the stairs make a lot of difference in terms of sweating yourself haha!  Of course, for obvious reasons you wouldn't want to sweat yourself when you are in your office attire, right?  Nanti by the time you reach your room, not only you'd be panting like a mad woman trying to give birth, but you'd bau masam too!  Cehh!  Maluuu! :D .  And besides, you're not in proper workout shoes.  So kaki gila sakit naik tangga in heels wehh! 

Because of that, I'm going to jog this weekend.  Am just going to let myself get all heaty and sweaty... after so so so long!  But don't get me wrong, I'm not determined to do this because I've gained weight (which I wish I could easily... although family and especially friends tell me to shut-up each time I complain.  Haa!).  It's because I have to workout to stay healthy.  You knowwwwww.... with all this age catching up thingy.  Sigh..... so staying healthy is the top of the list, ey?

I for one is not the gym-goer type.  I did sign up as a member quite some time back.  But I got bored after a few visits.  Working out in the gym is kinda boring (to me personally) in terms of the view, I mean.  Needless to say, the fitness trainers are all so awhhh-some!!  But apart from that, the surrounding view bores me (not to mention, the fee is bloody blood-sucking don't you think? Baik spend on other things as in retail therapy hihihi).  So I'll just settle down to jogging instead.  It's FREE.  Besides, I don't want to ya-ya orr workout  till I get my dream hot-bod, it's just for the sake of exercising and sweat up myself to burn whatever there is to burn... haha!  So don't waste money... go shopping instead y'all!

So just hope I stick to my words and DON'T oversleep or sleep in this weekend (which I most likely will... NOOOO won't won't won't!).  We'll see...... :)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Today (part II)

Alhamdulillah, feeling slightly better today.  Managed to clear out certain things with the 'related party'.  But there's another unanswered question in my mind still.  Nevertheless, after obtaining the 'first clarification', I feel that this 2nd issue could be lied low for a little while until and when I can decide whether to try to sort it out or to just leave it as it is and only pop it up when a similar issue emerges later (or much, much later... hmmm).

But all in all, I'm very thankful to Allah s.w.t. for letting me settle the 1st one peacefully and rationally with the other party.  No qualms nor grudges.  Am so glad of the other side being so understanding this time.  Well, I've BEEN understanding to most of the incidents that have happened before this anyway - although it took me some time to digest, adapt to it and calm myself down.  So now it's their turn lah pulak heheh. Fair innit?  Takkan asyik nak mengarok je ekk.... Dah tua2 ni sensitip!

Ok, ok... no need to make this a wordy entry and elaborate more and ALSO not to leave you people wondering entah ape-ape issue lah yg dibebelkan sorang2 kat tembok ni, I'd better be off now...

Till then.  Again, syukur Alhamdulillah.  Amin.

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Surprisingly there's no change as to how I'm feeling today.  It's just another lousy day as what it was yesterday. Sigh..... Bila la nak habis ni.  I need clarification.  I need justification.  Why is 'the other side' keeping silent as if they are innocent? Please, please, please explain.  The more it's bugging me in my head the more miserable I feel.  I should at least know if what I'm assuming is either wrong or right, that's all.

So  j-u-s-t-i-f-y!!!


Monday 17 October 2011

Cool on the outside, burning hot on the inside

As of now, I may look and sound okay outside, but still kecik hati inside. How laaa? Do I need more ice cream???? Dang!

*Dear mind, please 'switch it off' RIGHT NOW!* k bai........

Gloomy vs. Flurry

Just within minutes, I finished up all of my ice cream sundae with absolutely no guilt whatsoever :) ... Especially if the ice cream is my favourite which is McDonald's McFlurry Oreo. Tak payahla ice cream mahal2 Baskin Robins or Haagen Dazs tu.. just McFlurry does wonders for me any time, any day (but it MUST be Oreo... McFlurry lain tak jalan!). 

Gone are all my stress, headaches and even sorrow on this gloomy Monday (not the weather yang gloomy, but my mood)....... could be the dang PMS, oh well.... can't wait to get home and just sleep the whole thing off and wake up to a fresh new start tomorrow.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Hello dear friends!

The title, it's actually how one "orang utaghaa" would sound like when he asks if the WEATHER is CLEAR hehe.  At least that was how one of the bosses in my office where I had my very first job back in 1993 (I'm telling you of how ancient I am... sigh) used to ask if the MD was in a good mood for him to see.

But I'm actually writing this entry for those of you who are sitting in a complete 4-wall office room with absolutely NO window (LIKE MEEE!), and are wondering what the weather is like outside, please please pleeeeeeease feel free to check out the weather update I have up on my wall.................

See??? Hehehehe... cute innit? Thanks to my IT super savvy "partner" (in crime) whom I shall just call her "Ms. Bayang" here. Kakakakakaka what a nickname! Sorry dear Ms. Bayang!! Anyway, it was she who recommended this Widget weather stuff to me. Super cute! Thanks dahlink!!! xx

I so love them, it just makes my (boring) life so much easier that I can plan my schedules better before leaving the office with a "ceti" brolly.  Yeah, well.. I do have my own designated parking space in the basement of my office building that I can just run straight to my car and drive off without drenching myself in the rain.  But hey! Sometimes I obviously need to check out the "pleasant view" outside as well, to cuci my mata yang penat sehari suntuk mengadap lappy and ESPECIALLY for some fresh air lahhh okay! Hmmmm the latter is more sensible, yes? No? :D

Till later... Toodle dee doodles! xx

Tuesday 11 October 2011

"Winter" (Sonata) in the office!

Assalamualaikum. Hi lovelies!

I wonder why my office is so d*mn cold.  I’m sure all my colleagues are shivering all day too.  Yang dengan sweater nya lain, dengan shawl nya lain.  I for one that does not favour in wearing sweaters or jackets and shawls as I feel that having excessive clothes on me is just plain troublesome and ‘heavy’.  Rimas! But sebab dah too cold, I just have to wear one whether I like it or not.  But it bothers me, really.

Despite all that concern, why don’t the building managers do anything about it? Don’t the other building tenants/occupants complain as well? I wonder. Sebab gila sejuk. Seriously.

Don’t bother telling me to ask my Admin Manager about it. Malas lah nak buat kecoh just simply because of office aircond.  Confess kat blog ni suda laaa.. heheheh. Cakap dengan tembok better kan ;). So much for self-satisfaction haha!

I just feel like sitting on my hands all day long doing nothing.  Yea, my hands feel much, much warmer under my bum kekeke!

But seriously, I can’t even feel my finger bones at times.  How to type on my lappy?  If only I could bring with me some winter gloves to keep my hands warm so that at least I can happily type out this blog with warmer fingers! Kakakaka... al maklumlah orang sejak-sejak ni kemaruk blogging.  God knows for how long this interest of mine shall sustain hikhik!  But yeah, blogging has so far been fun – well at least for me.

Ok, back to pasal office yang sejuk sangat ni. 

The Government has set a policy to keep government offices aircond temperature at 24ºC in order to save energy and cut down on electricity bills.  But why is it only for government offices???  Sedeh laa... uwaaaa!!!

Read this.

But fret not, the Government is currently studying to implement the same to other sectors as well, with certain conditions to be considered upon.  Further details here.

So in the meantime, bersejuk lah kita kat sini.  Brrrrrrrr.......!
Cheers! :)

Saturday 8 October 2011

My baby, oh my baby!!

Alhamdulillah I got my baby back. No need to elaborate what "baby" means here. I'm just glad i got it back!! Almost nak kena 'jual' by some irresponsible person just because of some stupid issue that suddenly cropped in his/her mind in the wee hours of this morning. Crazy!!

Well, 2 of my closest and dearest friends know what exactly I'm babbling about here. I'll just remain silent on the actual subject. What's most important is - I GOT MY BABY BACK!!! Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah s.w.t.

To the 2 closest and dearest friends I've mentioned above: Thank you both soooo much for being there when I desperately needed you tadi! You know who you are, darlings! Xoxoxoxo


Friday 7 October 2011

Babies.. Babies.. Babies.... *love*

Being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I’m sure any other mom would feel and say the same too.  I have 4 children of my own.  Each one has a unique character that never fails to amuse me every single day, and needless to say a character that tests any mom’s patience and sanity to the brim as well.  That’s what makes a mom’s life ‘colorful’.... ha!  Without them, the world seems like an empty space.  Yeah, right... a me-time would be the top of my list if you were to ask what I want now!! Hehehe......  It’s different for first time moms who would love to spend every single second with her new baby.  Tengoklah esok bila dah anak 2-3....... hmmm kalau boleh nak tinggalkan semua kat umah, mummy nak pi jalan2 shopping sorang!!!!! :D

Ok, ok... itu mummy yg teruk and pemalas like me lah.  For other moms I’m not sure, but I think SAMA JE LA kutttt jangan tipuuuuuu! Kakakaka! 

Ok, so I was saying... As much as I love being a mom, I too love to hear news of friends having new babies.  Just by hearing the news makes me all teary.  Jiwang tak?

Nangis tu baru sikit je.  Dulu when I was breastfeeding, you know breastfeeding moms have this ‘milk letdown reflex’ when the mom hears her baby cry or even other babies cry for that matter, as the message goes up to her brain to alert her that the baby is crying thus it is feeding time.. or yadayadayada (something like that).  So, I would have THAT reflex every time I hear someone gives birth.  My milk would flow out... yes, betul tak tipu!! And my bra would get all wet as a result! Hahaha... Howz that?! You can imagine how many pairs of bra pads I had with me at home AND in my handbag.  Coz you never know when the letdown reflex would occur.

I once had to run home from the office just to change my shirt because of wet bra, mind you!  Well, that was once upon a time.  I do miss breastfeeding.  It’s such a lovely mother-child bond.  I’m sure any of you who has had that experience would agree with me. Okay lah.. enough of my 'grandma breastfeeding stories'.. Friends who have heard me telling these stories over and over again sure dah penat, bosan and menyampah! Hahahaha...

Ok, coming back to my point, I actually nak cerita yang my Despatch Boy kat office ni just got twins yesterday.  I’m very very very happy for him (but too bad now dah takda milk letdown reflex to wet my bra okayyy! Kahkahkah!), but pity him jugak coz he’s a sole breadwinner of his family. And his first child is only 9 months old! Still needs so much attention, doesn’t understand what ‘beralah dengan adik’ is all about, etc etc.  And worse still, I was told that he had to take up a bank loan just to buy baby stuff for his coming newborns.

So recently, when I came to know that his wife was expecting twins and was going to deliver anytime soon, I gave him a box of baby gift that consists of clothes, shoes and a little toy.  It was unused and untouched before, still brand new, which I kept since the birth of my No. 4 (which was in 2009).  On top of that, I gave him a little amount of cash as sedekah and hadiah as well lah kan.  So ok, after having done that, I felt I had done my part as a colleague and a friend.

Yesterday, after receiving the news of the delivery of his newborns, I sent him an SMS to congratulate him and his wife.  But, what amazed me was.. after typing my sms, I choked and tears rolled down my cheeks. Apo ko bondo gilo!!!  My SMS tu message biasa je – Salam, Saiful.  Tahniah awak dah selamat dapat twins. Alhamdulillah murah rezeki tu. Semoga isteri dan anak2 sihat.  And he replied – Terima kasih banyak Puan.

THAT’S ALL! But why did I cry? Hmmmm... maybe coz sedih mengenangkan the difficulties he will have to bear after this.  Kesian.  Even more kesian if you really know this boy personally, very kind and helpful.

But rest assured, anak tu rezeki. So Allah akan bagi rezeki kat anak tu InshaAllah.  Betul tak? Well I’m not an expert pasal benda2 Ilmiah ni, but that’s basic, isn’t it?

So to Saiful my Despatch, I wish him and his wife all the best and I’m sure the addition(s) to the family will bring them joy, happiness and rezeki in whatever way Allah permits, InshaAllah. Amin.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Emotional Quotions/Intelligence (EQ) - How to manage your emotions (well, for me it's STRESS!)

I often have this ‘depression’. It’s normal isn’t it? Everybody has it. But to what extent does that make us require medication? Probably it depends on the cause. How major/minor the cause is. Oh well, for whatever the cause, the best cure is – GO SEE A DOCTOR!! Haha...

Ok, so I can’t share the cause of mine here though, that’s not important. The issue here is, I’ve always wondered how on earth does a person “switch on and off” her depression while she’s dealing with her daily life.

I know some people who can do that. She keeps it inside her and let it fade away by itself, which I don’t think is good, as you will makan hati, isn’t it? I believe in letting it out, be it to a close friend, or to the person you are feeling depressed with himself/herself. But then again, I wonder if by doing that could do any damage to your relationship/friendship. You know, the other person might not be able to accept whatever reason you are depressed about with him/her.

I’ve tried some ways to get over this depression whenever I get it. I’ve tried reading, sewing, watching TV (most of the time), sleep (sleep is not a good way to forget your problems though), but to no avail. Solat yes, that is effective. But sometimes dalam solat pun boleh menangis and dah jadi tak khusyuk. Sigh....... how lah? Hehe...

On top of it all, I had in fact attended a course on how to manage your emotions - an Emotional Intelligence (EQ) course. Yes, no doubt I could put that to good use, but sometimes your emotions just get over everything else inside you and don’t let you think anymore.

I still wish that I had that “switch on/off” skill in me hehehe. You know, just forget everything else and get on with your life to the fullest. After all, life is too short to worry about unnecessary things. Back to basics, banyak berzikir and berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t. Dia saja tempat kita mengadu. Dia yang memahami, maha penyayang dan maha pengampun. And to always believe that everything happens for a reason, and that there’s a blessing in disguise. Ada hikmah di sebalik segalanya... if that’s the right way to put it.

If you are depressed about a situation, then the way to deal with it is fairly different than the way to deal with a depression to a person. So remember! If you are actually depressed with a person, just don’t be a fool and dwell on it too long coz you must know that THAT person prolly doesn’t even bother or care about your feelings, or for all you know he/she prolly doesn’t even care or know if you exist altogether!! So why must you sadden yourself about that person? Let it go and move on.... (I’m speaking for myself too here..... hmmm).

So good luck to us all in handling stress and depression :-). .. Have faith, yes?! Wallahualam. Take care lovelies!

Rest In Peace Steve Jobs

The world mourns on the loss of Steve Paul Jobs, the Chairman, co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc.

Read here and here.

RIP Steve Jobs.

What they say:

Bill Gates
"I'm truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs' death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work.

Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives.

The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.

For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely. "

Jerry Yang, Yahoo! founder
"Steve was my hero growing up. He not only gave me a lot of personal advice and encouragement, he showed all of us how innovation can change lives. I will miss him dearly, as will the world."

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO
"Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you."

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen
"My condolences to Steve Jobs family and friends. We've lost a unique tech pioneer and auteur who knew how to make amazingly great products."

*  *  *

To him, I say: "Thank you, Steve. For everything..."

"If I Die Young" - The Band Perry

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh, uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger,
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand,
There's a boy here in town who says he'll love me forever,
Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life, well,
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh (uh, oh)
The ballad of a dove (uh, oh)
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time
So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls 

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Cik Tipah Putih

I’ve never been an ardent fan of gadgets.  BUT... eversince I came to know about the Blackberry, I’ve been so in love with (and addicted to) it 24/7 that some people get tired of looking at me sticking my face to it all the time.  Be it when I’m watching TV, reading, or even eating at the dining table.  The phone is always by my side (or more like in my hand). There’s always something for me to look out for in the device – surfing the net, BBM-ing, tweeting, googling, etc etc.

I’m still not a fan of iPhones though.  I find it ridiculous to talk on an iPhone with its screen touching on my cheeks! I have high cheekbones, if u should know (literally not proud of it!), hence my cheek keeps touching the phone screen while I’m talking and the functions/modes keep changing while I’m on it, which I find it too irritating for me.  Thus, no iPhones for me.  Well at least not for now.  God knows if I would change my mind later with all of the new technologies coming in.

But now............. with the iPad around, I find it too irresistible to not own it.  Obviously I do not have to ‘talk’ on the iPad like I do on the iPhone.  So the cheek-touching-the-screen-while-talking problem does not apply.

So I started ‘saving’ up to buy an iPad 2.  I wanted it so much that I dreamt of it twice in my sleep.  I even gave it a nickname so that people wouldn’t know and think that I’m too crazy about “AN IPAD”... Kesian kan!  The nickname is Tipah (kahkah!)  And as much as I’m longing for a WHITE version of it, I had resorted to giving a more precise nickname to it which is – Cik Tipah Putih........ hahahaha.. gila tak? Sometimes I call it Baby Tipah, coz I knew I would love it like a BABYYYYYY!

Eventually, on 1 October 2011 at 7:30pm, my Cik Tipah Putih was ‘born’!! I was so excited that I felt I should take a photo of it right away.  But please lah, don’t be so jakun okay!  The only photo I snapped was this one below..............
This was when the SA was cleaning up my baby to stick the screen protector on (Of course! Sayang takut the screen scratch ok!!).

After much excitement of having owned it now, and to actually hold it in my two hands (hahaha still jakun!), I went home.  Upon reaching home, I asked my daughter (No. 1) to help me install the iTunes.  My son (No.2) was even more anxious to put his hands on it for Angry Birds, to be exact.  So I told them, fine, download the Angry Birds.  So No. 1 helped out No. 2 to do the downloading.  I told my No. 2 “Please, please, pleeeeeease handle it with care ya, slide your finger on it SMOOTHLY.  I don’t want you to scratch it all over the place.”  And he replied, “Ooooo kalau anak u ada scratch ‘all over the place’ u tak kisah pulak yaaaaaa!”  Dang!!! Terkedu kejap la mak dia ni! Kekeke.....

Okay, now all was done.  Angry Birds was downloaded.  Only one game so far.  But that’s fine.  The other ones can wait. So now it’s MY turn to menggodeh!

Well, takda lah menggodeh sangat pun, I only bookmarked some of my favourite webpages and links.  Apa lah sangat pun, only online newspapers, gossip columns (ehem..), etc.  Okay what for a start.... kan??? Heheh........ Me good girl!

So now, my Baby Tipah is my NEW TOY and is always in my handbag wherever I go, which is what making my handbag even HEAVIER than it has ALWAYS been.  Macam ada batu..... Sigh.... (All the more reason for me to mengecek insan-insan yang mengasihaniku for a NEW BIGGER handbag!! Kehkehkeh!) .  Just sayin...... :P

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Something to ponder

I found this on a friend's wall on Facebook.  Somehow I agree to what is written there.

So don't think too much, dears!!  Or should I say - STOP thinking... JUST DO IT haha NIKE lah pulak!

The Beginning

Here's to the beginning of my new hobby (I think).  Just felt that I should blog sometimes just to beat the boredom outta me.. so here I am.

Will think of interesting things to write.  But well, it doesn't matter, does it? 

Till my next post, God knows when.  Ta!