Tuesday 15 November 2011

Hantu Kak Limah Joget

Have you watched the movie Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah??  The title does sound rediculous kan, but everyone I know who had watched it could vouch that it IS a hilarious movie.  

So I watched it at the cinema.  Lagi lah terasa dia punya gila kelakar, ketawa je keje sampai senak perut & mata berair!  My kids watched it at home with their cousins.  And of course I watched it (again) with them.  I could watch it over and over again and never get tired of the humour.  Because it is slapstick humour, tu lah best!  Kalau 100% ikut script would have been a bore.

Ok, so my no. 4 takut sangat-sangat dengan Hantu Kak Limah tu.  So I would simply scare her with Hantu Kak Limah when she doesn't want to sleep, tie her hair, eat her veggies, etc.  She has off-the-shoulder-lengthed hair.  Memang messy kalau tak ikat.. dengan berpeluh-peluhnya, rimas tengok!  So I would tell her that she is anak Hantu Kak Limah if she doesn't want to tie her hair.   You do know how Hantu Kak Limah's hair looks like, right?  So my no. 4 used to get really scared and immediately run to me and ask me to tie her hair.

Like all my other children, my no. 4 is chatty.  So now that she's able to speak quite well, better than the gibberish speech that she used to have, she has become lauyar buruk with me when I tell her to do or not to do something.  So recently when I told her my usual "modal" that she is anak Hantu Kak Limah if tak nak ikat rambut, she replied to me, "Sha anak mummy, Sha anak Bibik".  I burst out laughing :D ... lauyar buruknya anak I ni!  Well, pretty much as lauyar buruk as the rest of my anak-anak pun!!  What's new?! :D

To cut the story short, last night was raining heavily with lightning and thunder.  So my lil girl got so scared that she and her older brother (my no. 3) had asked all of us to keep quiet.   My no. 3 pun penakut!!  We could only whisper when we needed to talk - BOSSES' orders!

So at one point, there was lightning and a very loud thunder.  I recited "A'uzubillahi minashaitanir rajim".  Then I sang the song "Pumped Up Kicks" which was on TV (my kids' favourite song thus far).   And my precious lil no. 4 spontaneously whispered to me "mummy, jangan nyanyi".  I asked, "kenapa?".  Mummy ni pun satu ekkk, kilat-kilat barat macam tu menyanyi pulak.  What a BAD example to the children.... Cettt! Shame on you, Mummy! :P

And to that question, she replied very, very softly dengan mulut dia yg muncung basah dengan air liur tu, "NANTI HANTU KAK LIMAH JOGET....Sssshhhhh!!" :D :D

I pun apa lagik....... pecah perut!  Ada ke Kak Limah joget dengar lagu Mummy nyanyi masa tengah-tengah guruh/kilat???  Of all her ideas!

Oh by the way, this picture of Hantu Kak Limah is on my iPad, which sometimes I make as the wallpaper.  The purpose --- to scare off my little girl each time she kacau me when I'm using the iPad.  Heeeee!  Cool innit? :P