Tuesday 25 October 2011

My love for fish (not to rear them, but EAT them.. hihi)

I absolutely have an ultimate love for FISH.

If you let me eat fish day and night, and repeat over and over, I would be ever so happy to oblige and indulge!

Just had 2 pieces of ikan bakar for lunch today, Ms. Bayang (Ms. B for short) took me there - she wants to remain annonymous :P ... A big thank you, Ms. B... luv ya for knowing me luv fish!! Heheh! xoxoxo

I should've taken piccies of them fish, but lupa lah.. dah lapaq and tak sabaq nak indulge!  Commonly, most people eat ikan bakar with cicah air asam or cili or kicap cili, etc.  But me...... takyah cicah pun I bedal.  It tastes a lot better when eaten alone... to me lah.  Some people eat fried chicken and pizzas with chilli/tomato sauce, but I eat them on its own because I love the originality of the taste, even in veggies - I prefer them raw.  And with fish, takkan pulak nak makan raw kan, unless it is properly prepared Sushi.  But regardless of what fish I am served, licin I sapu - marinated or plain.  If it is fresh from the sea lagi lah sedap if bakar plain macam tu je kan with just a sprinkle of salt.

Catwoman I see! Huh!! Cuma tak hot macam Catwoman jerrrrr.. heheheh! Meow...

Hokkayyy, wishing Happy Deepavali to those of you who celebrate, and happy hols to those who already have plans to go jalan-jalan, and those who just simply want to enjoy some peace and quiet at home tomorrow - like me.  Errr, for a moment just now I thought tomorrow was Hari Raya Haji holiday, and had actually wished Ms. B "Selamat Hari Raya" - blatantly.. LOL! Silly me ekk.... kakakakaka! Malu, malu......

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