Thursday 20 October 2011

Note to self

I've been procrastinating on this one since the recent Hari Raya Aidilfitri - to go jogging :)

Not that I've been completely 'shut down' from working out, as sometimes (if not most of the time hehe) I would take the stairs up to my office.  Kira workout la tu kannnn daripada takda langsung hikhikhik!  Anyways, my office is situated at the 5th floor, so 5 floors altogether is by right equivalent to 5 staircases.  But each floor has 2 staircases, meaning to say I have to climb up to 10 staircases each time... phewwwww! But don't ask me how many stairs there are in each case.... malas nak kira. But lenguh baybeee!  Nonetheless, it should be all worth while kan? InshaAllah.  Errrrr.. but...... I don't do that everyday hehe oops.  Only on every or 2 other days.... KALAU rajin. Hmmm.. 

So now I'm telling myself, or rather reminding/forcing myself to go jogging this weekend.  Must, must, must!  Jogging/brisk walking and going up the stairs make a lot of difference in terms of sweating yourself haha!  Of course, for obvious reasons you wouldn't want to sweat yourself when you are in your office attire, right?  Nanti by the time you reach your room, not only you'd be panting like a mad woman trying to give birth, but you'd bau masam too!  Cehh!  Maluuu! :D .  And besides, you're not in proper workout shoes.  So kaki gila sakit naik tangga in heels wehh! 

Because of that, I'm going to jog this weekend.  Am just going to let myself get all heaty and sweaty... after so so so long!  But don't get me wrong, I'm not determined to do this because I've gained weight (which I wish I could easily... although family and especially friends tell me to shut-up each time I complain.  Haa!).  It's because I have to workout to stay healthy.  You knowwwwww.... with all this age catching up thingy.  Sigh..... so staying healthy is the top of the list, ey?

I for one is not the gym-goer type.  I did sign up as a member quite some time back.  But I got bored after a few visits.  Working out in the gym is kinda boring (to me personally) in terms of the view, I mean.  Needless to say, the fitness trainers are all so awhhh-some!!  But apart from that, the surrounding view bores me (not to mention, the fee is bloody blood-sucking don't you think? Baik spend on other things as in retail therapy hihihi).  So I'll just settle down to jogging instead.  It's FREE.  Besides, I don't want to ya-ya orr workout  till I get my dream hot-bod, it's just for the sake of exercising and sweat up myself to burn whatever there is to burn... haha!  So don't waste money... go shopping instead y'all!

So just hope I stick to my words and DON'T oversleep or sleep in this weekend (which I most likely will... NOOOO won't won't won't!).  We'll see...... :)

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