Monday 17 October 2011

Gloomy vs. Flurry

Just within minutes, I finished up all of my ice cream sundae with absolutely no guilt whatsoever :) ... Especially if the ice cream is my favourite which is McDonald's McFlurry Oreo. Tak payahla ice cream mahal2 Baskin Robins or Haagen Dazs tu.. just McFlurry does wonders for me any time, any day (but it MUST be Oreo... McFlurry lain tak jalan!). 

Gone are all my stress, headaches and even sorrow on this gloomy Monday (not the weather yang gloomy, but my mood)....... could be the dang PMS, oh well.... can't wait to get home and just sleep the whole thing off and wake up to a fresh new start tomorrow.


  1. samalah.. ima pun hantu McFlurry jugak (Oreo).. hihihihi

  2. ye ke ima? best kan? bagi 2-3 cup pun kakdo bleh habiskan hihihi.....
