Tuesday 20 December 2011

My New Year Baby's Rambling

In less than 2 weeks, my no.4 will turn 3 years old.  She's my very own New Year Baby. Yes, she was born on 1 January 2009, at 11.20am.

How time flies (that also indicates that I'll turn to the big Four-O in no time! Sob!!!)

No.4 has begun to learn to speak properly now, as in building a proper sentence in her speech though at times she still tends to pronounce some words gibberishly like how she used to.  But never mind, her mummy ni still melayan dia cakap pelat because I find it really cute to speak to her that way, although our grandmas used to forbid us each time we cakap pelat with our children in order to prevent them from being forever pelat.  But I guess it's just a myth lah, because eventually they'll have the ability to speak properly on their own anyway, as they naturally register what we say to other adults when they listen to how we speak everyday.  And besides, obviously we use proper language when we read them storybooks, or count with them, or things like that.  So I guess occassionally melayan dia cakap pelat is no harm.  Cute apa! ;)

So, amongst other words that she still pronounces pelat is, TIPU (which she says CHIPU) - she'll say that when she doesn't believe what we tell her, as in "kalau Sha taknak eat veggie, batu belah tangkap Sha".  And she would reply, "mummy CHIIIIIIIIIPUUUUU!".. Hahaha! I pun gelak besar bila dengar dia cakap macam tu.  How laa not to cakap pelat with her? Syok melayan!  Chipu pun chipu lah, I don't intend to correct her asalkan ada bunyi sudah.. haha!  Oh by the way, she still pronounces BATU BELAH as LALAH till now as like I said, I never bother to correct her :)

Another word is, BISMILLAH (to which she says BILAH BILAH).  Now this one occured last night when she wanted her third bottle of 'nenen' before she slept.  I normally let her have her night bottle feed once after dinner, then the last bottle should be about 30 minutes before I put her to sleep.  By then she would've been ready for a diaper change before bed time.  But more often, she would ask for another bottle when she's lying around in bed being smothered BY ME trying to make her tired before letting her dose off.  So that would make 3 bottles of milk altogether - within merely 2-3 hours!  Mana boleh jadi!  And besides, she has been cleaned and changed! So rightfully, no more feeding for her.

One of the reasons why I don't let her drink too much before she sleeps is that, I wouldn't want her diaper to get overly soiled by the morning.  Mummy pemalas nak bangun malam-malam to change her, okay!  So with just 2 bottles of milk doesn't make her pee too much during the night.

Okay so back to last night's story - as I laid in bed with her putting her to sleep, i said prayers with her: baca Al-Fatihah, 3 Qul, selawat, mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah.  So she followed what I recited - although of course pelat lah.

Then she still wanted to play around by tickling me when I was barely awake!  It was already 10.15pm then.  Mummy memang dah tak larat, mengantuk nak pengsan! Then she started to ask for her MILK!  "Mummy, Sha nak nenen....." Ohhh NO!

So I told her, "dah baca BISMILLAH tak boleh nenen lagi, kena sleep."  (Tactic seorang ibu yang pemalas - please DO NOT do this at home, dear mommies!! :D)

Then she said, "ooooooo okay!"

Then si mummy ni pulak, sebab dah kena kacau kena geletek-geletek, dah jadi susah nak lelapkan mata! (But still malas to buat nenen walaupun mata dah celik). So apa lagi..... I gomol-gomol and kissed and gigit-gigit her, and guess what she said....

"Mummy, dah BILAH BILAH tak boleh kiss Sha.  Jom sleep...".  Obviously what she was trying to say was 'dah baca BISMILLAH tak boleh kiss Sha'.

Hmmmm.... Mummy pulak dah kena tegur sebijik! Dang!

So mummy as usual gelak besar tak hengat and geram la dengan budak lauyar buruk tu!  Mummy didn't care at all and just continued to gomol her till she was extremely exhausted and evetually Zzzzzzzzzzz!

So, remember ya, my lovely kawan-kawan...... nak sleep kena baca BILAH BILAH dulu okay!!!  May Allah bless us all. Amin...

Hehehe..... *sweet dreams little one, mummy loves you mucho*! xx

Ni lah muka skema budak yang tak dapat nenen (actually this is an old pix, but she IS like this all the time.. very playful like all other children, I'm sure.  But lauyar buruk, I'm not sure of it in other children hehehe..... *see next few pix*)

.... Another 'konon-konon masam/merajuk' look

Tadaaaaaaa... dia acah aje, not sulking after all!!!

Tu dia... Siap posing lagik! :))

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